הדרך למצוינות בקשתות




טיוטה 23  24/7/2024

ערך: ד"ר נסים צור
משימות: להוסיף עוד סרטונים. לשפר דיבוב לעברית, להמיר לצפייה בטלפונים ניידים
שאיפה לסיום עד 1/1/2025



תודות למרצה בקורס מאמנים גיא מצקין, בית ספר למאמנים מכון וינגייט.
ברצוני להביע את תודתי הכנה על תרומתך הנדיבה והמשמעותית לתחום הקשתות ואימון הקשתות בישראל.

ידעך הרב והדרכתך המקצועית סייעו לי רבות להתפתח ולשפר את כישוריי כמדריך בקשתות. ולהכין מסמך הדרכה זה.

אני מקווה שמסמך זה יהוה בסיס ליצירת קשתים הישגיים טובים יותר. המאמנים והחניכים יתבקשו להשתמש בו.


במיוחד, ברצוני להודות לך על:

הידע העמוק שלך בתחום אימון בקשתות : ידעך הרב תרם רבות להבנתי המעמיקה של התחום.

הדרכתך הסבלנית והמקצועית: תמיד היית שם בשבילי לענות לשאלותיי הטרחניות עם עצה טובה ותמיכה.

ההשראה שלך: דבקותך בתחום ורצונך לחלוק את הידע שלך עם אחרים מהווים השראה עבורי.


תודה רבה לך על כל מה שאתה עושה. אני מעריך מאוד את תרומתך.

בכבוד רב,

ד"ר נסים צור


Dear Mr. Priestman,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your generosity in allowing me to use the

 "Israel Athlete Technical Assessment Script.docx" document. This resource has been an invaluable tool in my work with archery trainees.

The detailed and comprehensive nature of the assessment script has provided me with a clear framework for identifying their strengths and weaknesses, enabling me to tailor their training accordingly.  This script has also proven to be an effective communication tool, facilitating open discussions with trainees about their progress.

I cannot overstate the impact that this document has had on my ability to train and support archery trainees.

 Your willingness to share this valuable resource has made a profound difference, and I am truly grateful.

Thank you once again for your generosity and support.


Dr. Nissim Zur



Mr. John Winchester, is an engineer with extensive experience in biomechanics analysis for both NASA and as an international athletic consultant. He was also a former National team coach

in Archery and have trained taken Archery Teams everywhere from local State Tournaments to the World Championships.

Mr. Winchester Youtube Channel presents videos with technical Information about archery form, shooting, technique, and equipment.

Thank you to allow me to use them


Dr. Nissim Zur

nissim URL




The Ratings Scale
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/u3OOj7YS8X0



Gold Standard

The archer is able to perform the skill with Gold Standard, with text-book precision.


Although the technique is exactly what we want to see, and is something for the archer to strive for early in their career, there are always some variations to these techniques among top archers in the world. The archer will have a repeatable stable technique which can score internationally competitive scores under pressure.




Although not Gold Standard, the position is progressing will for an international competitor, there maybe variance in technique that is often seen in top archers in the world.


While this may be something to work on early in an athlete’s career, if it has been a long time habit and it doesn’t show to be affecting performance, then it can be discussed and improved on at the right time.


Developing technique

The technique is a work in progress, or the archer has been working on it and has not yet mastered the technique.


The technique may be inconsistent or falter/break down in competition.


The archer knows and understands how to work on and improve the technical error. Errors in technique can be seen to cause inconsistencies in arrow accuracy and scoring.


Priority for developing technique

Technique in definite need of improvement, not seen in World Class archers.


Technical errors that are common in beginners and need work with drills to learn and master.


Archers should not have any errors in the poor area after their first three years of shooting.


Not yet using Technique

Typical beginner, un-coached technique.


Archer as not been introduced to proper technique and does not know or understand how to achieve proper technique.





Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/aJI0wChDpO8





Elite Standard

Feet at least shoulder width apart, back foot parallel to shooting line,

Front foot in line with the target (or no more than ½ of the rear foot behind),

Front foot heel turned for natural position, Hips in line with feet square or open.




Feet less than shoulder width apart, with a ½ foot open stance,

Hips turned 50% from feet to shoulder line.


Developing technique

Feet less than shoulder width apart, rear foot pointing away from shooting line, hips not in line with feet – turning with shoulders.


Priority for developing

Feet look in an unnatural or awkward position, less than shoulder width apart, or

significantly open to target, Significant turning of hips from feet.




Not yet


Unbalanced stance with weight shifted from one leg, feet close together, feet at awkward angles to hips, shoulders and target.





Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/33tGXdLUOxg





Gold Standard

Bum tucked under, flat back,

chest down (not chest up), head directly over body; complete alignment.




Bum slightly out, slight arch in back, raised chest,

no problem with string contact on chest, slightly incomplete alignment.


Developing technique

Bum out, arch in back, close string contact on chest, incomplete alignment Hip forward towards the target

Overdoing posture: chest and/or shoulders hunched.


Priority for developing


Bum out, clear arch in back, string contact on chest,

incomplete alignment, overdoing posture: chest and/or shoulders hunched.


Not yet using


Bum sticking out, significant arch in back

raised chest causing string contact on chest, poor alignment.


Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/VKTZ2XLYr-Q



Body and Head Position


Elite Standard

Head directly over center of body, with relaxed neck.

chest centered over hips,

Ribs down equally on each side: creating “hour-glass” shape.




Slight lean away from target, head slightly behind center of chest, with relaxed neck

. Chest slightly behind center of hips, good alignment, good string clearance.


Developing technique

Head over draw shoulder or head in front of body center,

ribs raised slightly on bow arm side, clearly leaning back away from target. Bow shoulder higher than draw shoulder.


Priority for developing


Significantly leaning away from target, head well behind center of body, bow side

ribs raised creating arch, high bow shoulder.


Not yet using


Lean away from target causes deep string clearance problem on chest  or loss of

alignment to avoid chest,

high, collapsed bow shoulder (close to neck ).




Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/qbm6KihVSEA





Elite Standard

Straight line through center of mass, from bow hand, through bow elbow and both bow and draw shoulders, archer feels “inside the bow”,

complete alignment: line across chest slightly beyond bow hand.




Near straight line through center of mass, from bow hand, through bow elbow and both bow and draw shoulders,

slightly incomplete alignment: line across chest line at bow hand.


Developing technique

Incomplete alignment: chest line between bow elbow and hand.

Draw elbow slightly outside line of arrow


Priority for developing


Incomplete alignment: chest line at bow elbow, Draw elbow significantly outside line of arrow


Not yet

using Technique

Severe angle bow arm to chest, Draw elbow outside line of arrow


Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/EEirOoyn91E



String Fingers


Gold Standard

String fingers set with string in first groove, “deep” – so that the top two finger nails cannot be seen at full draw. 2 1/2 fingers around string, maintaining position from set, through set-up, draw, anchor and expansion Pinky finger relaxed and curled and thumb relaxed, down, in front or behind SCM. Slight rolled over wrist.




String fingers with slight bottom out rotation, third finger not set as deep as top and

middle. No contact of fingers on arrow nock. Slight rolled over wrist


Developing technique

String fingers set too deep behind first groove, or too shallow in front of first groove, Fingernails slightly visible at full draw, some slipping of fingers from the set position

during the draw or during expansion. Bottom finger tension on the bowstring


Priority for

developing technique

String on finger tips, tension in back of hand to maintain grip, fingers slipping off string during draw and expansion, hand turning out from string,

contact of finger on arrow nock.


Not yet

using Technique

A lot of tension in the hand: twisted and or cupped, third finger off the string, top finger pointed down against nock, pinky finger straight.



Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/jC0cXiQkEX0



Bow Hand


Gold Standard

All of the thumb, and meaty part of the thumb on the grip, with none of the heel of the hand on the grip, bow arm directly behind the bow, thumb pointed towards the target, Back of hand flat, Relaxed hand and fingers, top and or 2nd finger touching bow,  last 2 fingers relaxed or tucked under,  Bow hand stays the same from set until execution..




Bow arm behind bow: position may be slightly different.


Developing technique

Placement with either heel of hand low on grip or gap between grip edge and heel of hand

, Bow arm not behind force of bow, Tension in back of hand or cupping, Tension in fingers,


Priority for

developing technique

Bow arm not behind bow, tension in hand, placement turned away from behind the

bow, thumb not pointed towards the target, Grabbing the bow or opening the hand on release,


Not yet using


Bow hand lifted, not in contact with grip, rotated around so arm not behind bow at all, Fingers sticking out with tension,

Tight grip on bow, or significantly closing the hand on release,

Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/80AADiBEWLM





Gold Standard

Hand tucked well under jaw and against neck, Solid contact with top of hand, index finger and thumb under jaw bone, String pulled in tight to the center or side of front of

chin (but not round the corner of chin), String lightly touching center of nose.




String slightly more to side of chin without causing clearance issues on release. Back of hand slightly away from neck or jaw.


Developing technique

Top of hand touching but not firm against jaw, String not tight on chin, String off center of nose, or slightly crushing nose. Hand not against neck


Priority for

developing technique

Top of hand touching, but gap between hand and neck, String not touching chin, or not on the front of the chin or side of chin, or too far on the side causing string drag.


Not yet

using Technique

No anchor at all hand and string not in contact with the face, String not in contact with the nose.



Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/tbrir7Onz94



Bow arm and Shoulder


Gold Standard

Bow shoulder set in a natural low and back position, and remains there through the set,

set-up, draw. and final expansion/execution, there is no movement in the bow shoulder (raising) through final expansion,

Elbow/Humorous rotation bow elbow joint is straight up and down.




Shoulder is brought slightly up and forward, but stays in position throughout the shot sequence, bow elbow joint is slightly over or under rotated, up to 20 degrees.




Bow shoulder is raised or rolled forward,

bow elbow rotation more than 20 degrees, up to 45 degrees from full rotation.


Priority for developing


Bow shoulder high, or rolled forward causing string clearance problems with shoulder, Alignment is affected. Elbow over 45 degrees under rotated, cause sting clearance issues or lack of alignment to avoid string.


Not yet using


Significantly high: much higher than rear shoulder. Out of line with rear shoulder,

Bow elbow joint horizontal not rotated.


Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo: https://youtu.be/w1AiZRdBn1w



String arm / Shoulder


Elite Standard

Drawing arm shoulder in a low, down and back natural position at full draw, From the front, the elbow is slightly higher than the arrow line within 5-10 degrees of the line of

force from the pivot point of the grip to the back elbow.




Drawing arm shoulder in a low, down and back natural position at full draw, From the front, the elbow is in line with the arrow or slightly higher than the line of force by less than

5 degrees or more than 10 degrees.


Developing technique

Drawing arm shoulder is slightly higher or raises during the last part of the draw, Elbow may be higher than 10 degrees, or slightly below the line of the arrow.


Priority for

developing technique

Drawing arm shoulder set forward and high before the draw and stays high at full draw,

High or low elbow compared to draw force.


Not yet

using Technique

Drawing arm shoulder is very high, archer doesn’t have any control to place it properly, Elbow is very high, or significantly below the arrow line.



Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo:



String Clearance


Elite Standard

No string drag on side of face ( high bow weight is not a problem), or chest, that will cause drag or deflection during release




Slight string contact on chest, however it is will not cause drag or deflection during release. Or has a plastic facing on chest guard


Developing technique

String contact on face, that causes string to drag on chest protector or bow arm during release.


Priority for

developing technique

Noticeable string contact deep into chest, likely causing string deflection during release.


Not yet

using Technique

String deep on side of face causing noticeable drag and deflection, String deep on chest causing string to bend from straight or contacting multiple places on front of body.




Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo:



Set to set-up


Gold Standard

Archer maintains perfect posture and body position from the set to the set-up position.

Both shoulders stay down and relaxed. Archer raises both hands with the arrow parallel to the ground, up to eye level. Drawing elbow stays below string hand.




Very small change in posture or body position from the set to the set-up position. Bow arm raises higher than drawing arm.




Slight change in either posture or body position during the set to set-up position. Archer raises hands to below chin level, or bow arm higher than head.


Priority for developing


Archer raises chest or leans back away from target during the set to set-up position. Arrow far from parallel to the ground during the motion.

High bow arm, pointing arrow towards sky.


Not yet using


Severe change in posture and body position during the set to set-up motion. Bow hand

or string hand not raised anywhere near face level.

Bow shoulders moving up during motion.


Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo:



Rotation to alignment


Gold Standard

During the set to set-up motion, the archer rotates their chest to align the shoulders with the target. This movement should be very fluid, taking place along with raising the bow to the set-up position. The more square the stance is, the less rotation should be required. At the set-up position before the final part of the draw, the archer’s shoulders/chest should be in a line slightly to the right (for right-handed) of the target. The archer also maintains posture and body position through this move.

The bow shoulder stays down and back, not rolling forward.

Hips stay in line with the feet and do not rotate.




Chest and shoulders are rotated into a line with the target, not quite pointed to the right of the target. The hips may rotate slightly, less than 10 degrees.


Developing technique

Chest and shoulder rotate some, but do not come into alignment during the set-up

The chest rotates during the later part of the draw. Hips turn with the chest.


Priority for developing


Chest does not rotate at all to come into alignment.


Not yet

using Technique

Chest rotates away from the target during set-up.





Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo:





Gold Standard

From the set-up position, the archer uses the back scapula do draw the bow. All movement of the drawing arm is from the rotation of the draw shoulder setting the shoulder low and back. The elbow does not move unless the scapula is moving. The fingers maintain the hook on the string, the draw hand and arm remain relaxed as the bow is brought back to the full draw position and anchor. There is visible transfer and loading into the back. The elbow may tip up after anchoring when the archer reaches

full draw, but the back scapula should not move up or forward.




May be a slight separation of elbow movement and scapula movement in the early part of the draw.

Some variance in the sequence of drawing with the arm and then the scapula.




Elbow and arm move some without shoulder rotation and scapula movement, using the posterior deltoid.


Priority for developing


Archer draws the bow mostly with the posterior deltoid and very little shoulder/scapula



Not yet using


Archer does not engage the back to draw the bow and does not know how to do so.





Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:





Gold Standard

Expansion is an internal movement and little motion should be seen. The point of the

arrow is set at about 2mm from the clicker.

Once expansion begins, the arrow moves continuously through the clicker. There is no movement in the bow hand, string fingers, or bow shoulder. The string stays in contact with

the chin, without sliding. The string does not move on the chest.



The point moves continuously through the clicker. There may be slight movements

seen in the drawing arm elbow, but only in the direction of the lower back.


Developing technique

The point of the arrow is set from 2-5 mm from the clicker. The expansion is not

continuous, slowing, sawing, or stopping.

String moves along chest or on chin or head creeps back, complete with string.


Priority for developing technique

The point of the arrow is set over 5 mm from the clicker. There is significant delay or

sawing motion through the clicker. Long holding time. Bow hand or arm is seen moving to push through the clicker. String fingers either slipping off the string, or building tension to pull the string. String Anchor sliding alongside of face. Draw elbow moving up, down or away from back.

Significant movement of string on chest seen.


Not yet using


Significant movement everywhere to come through the clicker. Archery does not

understand expansion.




Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:





Elite Standard

The archer is Gold Standardly steady at full draw with absolutely no body sway before or

during the shot.



There is a slight body sway, less than one inch of movement at the top of the head.


Developing technique

Archer has a bit of sway, either adjusting forward and back, or a continuous lean forward through expansion.


Priority for

developing technique

Archer has little stability with a lot of body sway throughout the entire shot cycle.


Not yet

using Technique

Archer has no stability, nearly falling over flat on their face while holding at full draw.




Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:



Drawing arm / Draw Elbow


Elite Standard

No forward movement of the drawing elbow on release/execution, Elbow follows path of arm, drawing arm scapula continues motion down and towards the spine through

execution with no forward movement or relaxation.



Very slight, less than 2 mm. forward motion of back elbow on release/execution, Elbow

follows very close to path of arm, drawing scapula maintains position or moves towards the spine through execution.


Developing technique

Slight forward motion of the elbow, elbow dropping down on follow through.


Priority for developing


Noticeable forward movement of the elbow or forward release.


Not yet

using Technique

Significant forward movement of the elbow and bow arm during release.





Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:



Release fingers


Gold Standard

Fingers stay closed and relaxed as the string leaves the fingers and throughout the follow through, Release hand stays close to neck following jaw line and finishing with the

curled fingers touching the neck, straight up and down, just under the ear.



Slight opening of fingers during the follow through, Slight rotation of string hand finishing slightly bottom out at the finish, Hand and fingers stay close to the jaw line

and neck.


Developing technique

Fingers open, hand comes away from neck 1-2 inches, fingers straight or curled and not in contact with neck at the finish.


Priority for

developing technique

Movement of hand off anchor during release, fingers opening and rotating bottom out

during release, hand moving away from the face with no contact during release and follow through.


Not yet

using Technique

Hand moving forward and out during release, Fingers flaring, hand rotating, never any contact with jaw or neck after release and follow through.



Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:



Bow Arm and Shoulder




Bow shoulder stays down and back during release, bow arm breaks first towards the target then to the left (right-handed archer) in a natural reaction to the shot, Bow arm

elbow stays straight through the shot,



Bow shoulder stays down and back, bow arm breaks down and to the left on execution, then forward on follow through,




Bow shoulder moves slightly up or back, rotating out of alignment during release, Slight

break in the elbow during release.


Priority for

developing technique

Bow breaks to the right on release, Bow shoulder jumps up or forward, or chest rotates out of alignment, Bow arm elbow bends on release.


Not yet using


Total collapse of bow arm on the shot.





Element of Technical Proficiency

Click to see video demo:



Bow Hand


Elite Standard

Bow hand stays the same from set through expansion, until execution, Bow jumps out

free from hand without interference and no hand movements (such as opening fingers or

grabbing bow), Bow hand falls forward following bow, ending with fingers pointing down, Bow jumps into the sling without using the fingers to pinch or catch the bow,



Very slight movement of fingers to catch bow.


Developing technique

Opening hand or fingers on release to catch the bow in the sling. Sling too long to catch bow without grabbing. Slight closure of hand to grab bow.


Priority for

developing technique

Grabbing the bow or opening the hand on release.


Not yet

using Technique

Significantly closing the hand on release.

Element of Technical Proficiency
Click to see video demo:



Overall movement face/body/head




Very little movement in body, head or face during the release and execution, Eyes stay open, face reacts without any kind of flinch, overall smooth clean execution.



Slight reaction in face, eyes opening, slight head movement, slight body movement.


Developing technique

Blinking, change in facial tension opening eyes, flinch movement in head.


Priority for

developing technique

A lot of movement in head, face and body.


Not yet

using Technique

Really big flinch on the shot with significant movement in face, head and body.